Wallet details for nysa.network (0x05c81c9481e24651768507e30fb10a03b2e5d126)

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Moniker: nysa.network
Voting Power: 0.0
ETH Orchestrator:
ETH Balance 0.00912
INJ Orchestrator:
INJ Balance 3.09976

Peggo State

Global ETH State Height: 21234474
Validator Peggo Height: 18662618
Global Peggo Nonce: 74911
Validator Peggo Nonce: 22788
Validator Nonce Lag: 52123

Briding Summary

Name Symbol Amount Transactions
Injective INJ 14322.617781 5
Tether USDT 10973.61347 2

Reward Summary

Name Symbol Reward Transactions
Injective INJ 9.732219 5
Tether USDT 19.95013 2


TX Hash
ETH Fee Failed Type Asset Amount
18382552 0.00128 Y failedTransaction
18095059 0.0022 Y failedTransaction
18008230 0.00276 Y failedTransaction
17457814 0.00628 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 1832.848406
17457814 0.00628 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 1.811594
16972239 0.00736 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 10188.184946
16972239 0.00736 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 1.805054
16971463 0.0112 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 23.942531
16971463 0.0112 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 1.757469
16966675 0.00672 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 179.96748
16966675 0.00672 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 2.03252
16964104 0.00687 N tokenBridging Tether (USDT) 9988.01351
16964104 0.00687 N operatorBridgingFee Tether (USDT) 9.97009
16957453 0.00428 Y failedTransaction
16956393 0.01009 N tokenBridging Tether (USDT) 985.59996
16956393 0.01009 N operatorBridgingFee Tether (USDT) 9.98004
16951650 0.00481 Y failedTransaction
16941957 0.00836 Y failedTransaction
16939492 0.00634 Y failedTransaction
16937158 0.00782 Y failedTransaction
16936961 0.00816 Y failedTransaction
16936761 0.01787 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 2097.674419
16936761 0.01787 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 2.325581
16931065 0.00501 Y failedTransaction
16908969 0.00299 Y failedTransaction
16907119 0.0036 Y failedTransaction
16886588 0.01256 Y failedTransaction
16770737 0.01598 Y failedTransaction
16764656 0.00602 Y failedTransaction
16743724 0.00461 Y failedTransaction