Wallet details for TokenStation.app (0x4ac570434d0a2b88faa48c8c960fc1fc29307ffc)

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Moniker: TokenStation.app
Voting Power: 0.83
ETH Orchestrator:
ETH Balance 0.00041
INJ Orchestrator:
INJ Balance 0.44313

Peggo State

Global ETH State Height: 20702732
Validator Peggo Height: 20702732
Global Peggo Nonce: 72069
Validator Peggo Nonce: 72069
Validator Nonce Lag: 0

Briding Summary

Name Symbol Amount Transactions
Injective INJ 5641.248436 8
Tether USDT 176316.860177 4
67720.979747 1

Reward Summary

Name Symbol Reward Transactions
Injective INJ 4.572464 8
Tether USDT 80.139823 4
474.020253 1


TX Hash
ETH Fee Failed Type Asset Amount
20614789 0.00027 Y failedTransaction
19104431 0.0046 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.001
19104431 0.0046 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 263.9899
19069915 0.00592 Y failedTransaction
19068852 0.00331 Y failedTransaction
19040368 0.00729 N tokenBridging () 67720.979747
19040368 0.00729 N operatorBridgingFee () 474.020253
19022131 0.01021 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.498132
19022131 0.01021 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 32.591868
19020316 0.01436 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.499127
19020316 0.01436 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 3.300873
19020192 0.02124 N tokenBridging Tether (USDT) 26979.921856
19020192 0.02124 N operatorBridgingFee Tether (USDT) 20.078144
19020090 0.01888 N tokenBridging Tether (USDT) 23659.974487
19020090 0.01888 N operatorBridgingFee Tether (USDT) 20.025513
19019856 0.02379 N operatorBridgingFee Tether (USDT) 20.029564
19019856 0.02379 N tokenBridging Tether (USDT) 124674.970436
19019532 0.01889 N tokenBridging Tether (USDT) 1001.993398
19019532 0.01889 N operatorBridgingFee Tether (USDT) 20.006602
19019030 0.01628 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.4865
19019030 0.01628 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 29.5135
19018684 0.01622 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 33.511241
19018684 0.01622 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.488759
19017264 0.0128 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.493705
19017264 0.0128 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 27.276295
19016642 0.0115 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.484496
19016642 0.0115 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 49.685504
18145339 0.00199 Y failedTransaction
17518676 0.00548 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 5201.379254
17518676 0.00548 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 1.620746
16518987 0.00304 Y failedTransaction
16516201 0.00311 Y failedTransaction
16298560 0.00342 Y failedTransaction
15467498 0.00204 Y failedTransaction