Wallet details for Stakewolle.com | Auto-compound (0x4b1cfccfa969524cf977faeaaecb11617fd6f5c3)

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Moniker: Stakewolle.com | Auto-compound
Voting Power: 0.0
ETH Orchestrator:
ETH Balance 0.01619
INJ Orchestrator:
INJ Balance 3.40851

Peggo State

Global ETH State Height: 21454787
Validator Peggo Height: 21079315
Global Peggo Nonce: 76685
Validator Peggo Nonce: 73796
Validator Nonce Lag: 2889

Briding Summary

Name Symbol Amount Transactions

Reward Summary

Name Symbol Reward Transactions


TX Hash
ETH Fee Failed Type Asset Amount
16102299 0.00221 Y failedTransaction