Wallet details for Stakely.io (0x5179b88eb163996c50406d623b1a9bf1d6bcacf8)

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Moniker: Stakely.io
Voting Power: 1.56
ETH Orchestrator:
ETH Balance 0.00013
INJ Orchestrator:
INJ Balance 2.7551

Peggo State

Global ETH State Height: 20702732
Validator Peggo Height: 20702732
Global Peggo Nonce: 72069
Validator Peggo Nonce: 72069
Validator Nonce Lag: 0

Briding Summary

Name Symbol Amount Transactions
Injective INJ 14804.968303 5
99915.898659 1

Reward Summary

Name Symbol Reward Transactions
Injective INJ 2.021697 5
5344.101341 1


TX Hash
ETH Fee Failed Type Asset Amount
19919312 0.00384 N tokenBridging () 99915.898659
19919312 0.00384 N operatorBridgingFee () 5344.101341
19080583 0.00284 Y failedTransaction
19068852 0.00686 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 391.989
19068852 0.00686 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.001
18966851 0.00667 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 897.532383
18966851 0.00667 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.467617
18963415 0.01091 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 3049.518188
18963415 0.01091 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.481812
18962896 0.00937 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 4999.494183
18962896 0.00937 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.505817
18962604 0.00938 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 5466.434549
18962604 0.00938 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.565451