Wallet details for redelegate to StakeLab (0x570450e92e3536a6bdb2fe7237c4ce5724d6cd01)
Moniker: | redelegate to StakeLab |
Voting Power: | 0.0 |
ETH Orchestrator: | |
ETH Balance | 0.01131 |
INJ Orchestrator: | |
INJ Balance | 15.3556 |
Peggo State
Global ETH State Height: | 21234474 |
Validator Peggo Height: | 15900697 |
Global Peggo Nonce: | 74911 |
Validator Peggo Nonce: | 8402 |
Validator Nonce Lag: | 66509 |
Height |
TX Hash
ETH Fee | Failed | Type | Asset | Amount |
15131999 | 0.00327 | N | tokenBridging | Tether (USDT) | 12990.00999 | |
15131999 | 0.00327 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Tether (USDT) | 9.99001 | |
15081786 | 0.00391 | N | tokenBridging | Injective (INJ) | 19581.452991 | |
15081786 | 0.00391 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Injective (INJ) | 8.547009 | |
15081768 | 0.00339 | N | tokenBridging | Injective (INJ) | 5292.297692 | |
15081768 | 0.00339 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Injective (INJ) | 7.692308 | |
15081528 | 0.00498 | N | tokenBridging | Injective (INJ) | 5792.218062 | |
15081528 | 0.00498 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Injective (INJ) | 7.751938 | |
15081508 | 0.00565 | N | tokenBridging | Injective (INJ) | 14001.452991 | |
15081508 | 0.00565 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Injective (INJ) | 8.547009 | |
15057623 | 0.00841 | N | tokenBridging | Injective (INJ) | 6992.125984 | |
15057623 | 0.00841 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Injective (INJ) | 7.874016 | |
15001225 | 0.00317 | Y | failedTransaction | |||
14830297 | 0.00525 | N | tokenBridging | Tether (USDT) | 12.93399 | |
14830297 | 0.00525 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Tether (USDT) | 9.99001 | |
14485616 | 0.0044 | Y | failedTransaction | |||
14472350 | 0.00527 | Y | failedTransaction | |||
14398661 | 0.01491 | N | tokenBridging | The Graph (GRT) | 3377.684407 | |
14398661 | 0.01491 | N | operatorBridgingFee | The Graph (GRT) | 22.569593 | |
14327716 | 0.00621 | N | tokenBridging | Injective (INJ) | 37.391682 | |
14327716 | 0.00621 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Injective (INJ) | 1.808318 | |
14126672 | 0.01988 | N | tokenBridging | Injective (INJ) | 5113.45808 | |
14126672 | 0.01988 | N | operatorBridgingFee | Injective (INJ) | 2.34192 |