Operator Details Ready Block (inj1nqu7hnf5dkhq2w0a98s8pmhhtwxgjvktm0fxht)

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Moniker: Ready Block
Voting Power: 3.49
ETH Orchestrator:
ETH Balance 0.50355
INJ Orchestrator:
INJ Balance 9.42609

Peggo State

Global ETH State Height: 20702732
Validator Peggo Height: 20702732
Global Peggo Nonce: 72069
Validator Peggo Nonce: 72069
Validator Nonce Lag: 0

Briding Summary

Name Symbol Amount Transactions
Injective INJ 12722.613098 5
Tether USDT 8985.012918 2
WETH WETH 0.682943 1

Reward Summary

Name Symbol Reward Transactions
Injective INJ 2.816902 5
Tether USDT 39.987082 2
WETH WETH 0.007057 1



TX Hash
ETH Fee Failed Type Asset Amount
20045229 0.00159 Y failedTransaction
19492231 0.01184 N updateValset () 0.0
19239071 0.00872 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.577367
19239071 0.00872 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 641.412633
19238943 0.01026 N operatorBridgingFee WETH (WETH) 0.007057
19238943 0.01026 N tokenBridging WETH (WETH) 0.682943
19238925 0.0103 N operatorBridgingFee Tether (USDT) 19.98002
19238925 0.0103 N tokenBridging Tether (USDT) 1005.01998
19238907 0.01072 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.563063
19238907 0.01072 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 24.886937
19238889 0.01056 N operatorBridgingFee Tether (USDT) 20.007062
19238889 0.01056 N tokenBridging Tether (USDT) 7979.992938
19238841 0.0101 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.557258
19238841 0.0101 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 2999.442742
19238684 0.01147 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 8199.442742
19238684 0.01147 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.557258
19238611 0.01089 N tokenBridging Injective (INJ) 857.428044
19238611 0.01089 N operatorBridgingFee Injective (INJ) 0.561956